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IETF - sec.ispp.agenda

This is a revised agenda for the ISPP BOF for the Stockholm IETF. As you see,
there are several important additions to the previous agenda (submitted 6/20),
which makes the agenda very tight. I've asked for additional time, and I
expect to change the agenda only if we do get more time; otherwise, additional
presentations would not be possible, and my apologies to interested parties -
hopefully they can present at the next IETF if we set up a working group.
This includes people who find their proposals not in the schedule or
reduced; I'll amend if we do get additional time. Sorry!

The internet secure payment protocol (ispp) BOF is scheduled for Tuesday, July
18th, 1-3pm. The most important todo for this meeting is to agree on a charter
for an ispp working group. (We can also discuss alternative names to be
suggested to the area director.) If we agree that such a working group is
desirable, and agree on charter, than we'll ask the area director to set it up
(and we'll set up a mailing list for it or change the name of e-payment which
is the one we use now - see append for subscription instructions).

Due to these priorities, and to the large number of presentations, each
presentation is very short. Speakers are warned that schedule must be
maintained, and attendees are requested in advance to help maintain the
tight schedule (bring eggs :-). I hope that follow-on meeting would be more
oriented to technical work on draft spec(s). Speakers are also encouraged to
place an abstract of their talk, pointers to documents etc., in the IETF
document archive.

1:00-1:05 Opening, review of agenda
1:05-1:10 Statements of direction from MasterCard, Europay and Visa
1:10-1:20 Overview of iKP: IBM implementation -  Gene Tsudik
1:20-1:30 Netscape implementation - Taher ElGamal
1:30-1:40 Microsoft's STT protocol - Barbara Fox
1:40-1:50 Credit card payments framework - Cybercash, Steve Crocker / Don
1:50-2:00 Open Markets Payments System, Win Treese
2:00-2:10 Electronic Business Co-op's Payment System, Jeff Hostetler, Spyglass
2:10-2:20 PPV and its support for NetCheque, NetCash, and other payment
systems,           Clifford Neuman, USC-ISI
2:20-2:25 First Virtual - Einar Stefferud
2:25-2:30 The HP Internet Payment System - Wenbo Mao, HP
2:30-2:35 Draft charter - Amir
2:35-2:50 Discussion of draft charter
2:50-3:00 Discussion of work items, mile stones, etc.

Comments and suggestions very welcome. Again, sorry for cutting all of you so
short, and some entirely or unreasonably. Hopefully we'll get more time at
or future, IETF.

Best, Amir Herzberg, amir@watson.ibm.com

Payment protocols based on cryptography and on-line authorization,
in particular iKP, are discussed on the list e-payment@cc.bellcore.com.

To subscribe, send a message to
majordomo@cc.bellcore.com with the body of the message
subscribe e-payment

An archive is available at:


The iKP paper, and other interesting stuff, is available from the
home page of IBM Network Security Research, at:

You can get the iKP paper also via anonymous ftp, directly:

   ftp ftp.zurich.ibm.ch
            (OR ftp.zurich.ibm.com)
   cd /pub/sti/g-kk/shadow/publications/1995
   get ikp.ps
   get ikp.ps.gz

Follow-Ups: References: